Posts Tagged ‘face’

OK, so I am really loving this Rose Hip & Red Bush African Black Soap Face Wash! It makes my face feel very cleansed and fresh with a little bit of tightness but no that itchy tight I NEED moisturizer now kinda feeling. I still definitely need a moisturizer but this is a great cleanser.

So at first glance you will be like, wholey crap that is SO tiny –  the bottle was way smaller than I had thought and for $15 bucks I instantly felt ripped off. BUT you only have to use about a dimes worth of product and it foams up quite well after a little work – the product is VERY thick and you have to be careful not to let it slip out of your hand before you can get your lather on, but once it is started it produces enough suds to spread over your entire face. The container you get comes with one of those flip lids like you get on many shampoos but for this thick product I felt like I was squeezing the bajeezus out of the bottle and it was then just sucking it back in before I could get product! So I just went to target and purchased a travel pump container – make sure it is a SMALL container, normal sized pumps will not fit the thread of the bottle – and stole out the little pump that came with it. Now I get just the right amount of product with much less work – like I said it is thick so even the pumping action is a little difficult so maybe one of those flexible travel squeeze bottles might be the way to go.

Anyhoo, this is a lovely product, I got mine straight from thier site and happened to find a  30% off coupon from RetailMeNot so make sure you check that out before you buy!

Rose Hip & Red Bush African Black Soap Face Wash